apartment moving checklist

The Ultimate Apartment Moving Checklist For Organizing Your Move

Moving into a new apartment is an exciting milestone, but it can also be very stressful and chaotic if you don’t properly organize your move. 

From packing up all your belongings to coordinating with moving companies, updating your address, and handling logistics, the process can become so overwhelming.

By following this apartment moving checklist, the entire moving process can become much more smooth and stress-free.

The Power of Agoyu

One of the most challenging aspects when it comes to moving is finding reliable movers to help you move into your new apartment. 

Luckily, the Agoyu moving app can help you with this burden. Not only is the Agoyu Artificial Intelligence app is incredibly easy to use, but it’s also completely free, making it an invaluable resource for anyone planning a move. 

Whether you’re moving to an apartment, townhouse, or condo, the Agoyu app can help you compare different moving companies and provide cost estimates using AI technology. 

8 Weeks Before Your Move

Here is what you should do 8 weeks before your move for your moving checklist for your apartment:

Create a Moving Folder

The first thing you can do for your moving apartments checklist is create a dedicated folder for your move to help keep everything organized. The folder should include contracts, receipts, important contact information, and any other paperwork related to your move. Having everything in one location is so important so you can always find things easily.

Know the Basic Details For Your Move

Get all the important details of your move together, like addresses of your current and new apartments, move in or move out dates, and any specific instructions form your landlord or building manager.

Plan Out Your Moving Budget

Moving can be pretty expensive, so it’s important to create a realistic budget that includes all potential costs. This should include hiring professional movers, packing supplies, rental trucks or equipment, and any overlap in rent or utility payments between your old and new place.

Purge Unwanted Items

One of the best moving tips is to purge any unwanted items. Before you start packing, go through all of your belongings and decide what you want to keep, donate, and get rid of. This not only helps to lighten your load, but it can help save you a lot of time and money on moving costs. If you haven’t used something in over a year, let it go.

7 Weeks Before Your Move

Here is what to do 7 weeks before your move on your checklist for moving:

Research Moving Companies

If you plan to hire professional movers, start researching reputable moving companies and request quotes as early as possible. Read online reviews, ask for recommendations from friends or family, and compare pricing and services to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

This Create an Inventory 

Make a detailed inventory of all your belongings, including their condition and what you think they’re worth. This helps you keep track of your items during the move, and it can be helpful if you need to file any insurance claims if something got lost or damaged in transit.

6 Weeks Before Your Move

Here’s what to do 6 weeks before your move:

Schedule Your Move

Next on your apartment moving to do list is to schedule your move. Once you’ve chosen a moving company, book their services for your desired moving date. Be sure to confirm all details, including the pick-up and drop-off times, as well as any specific instructions or requirements from the company.

Submit Any Permits and Requests

Check with your current and new building management to see if you need to obtain any permits or make special requests for your move, such as reserving an elevator or parking space for the moving truck. Some buildings may also require you to provide a certificate of insurance from your moving company.

5 Weeks Before Your Move

Here is what to do 5 weeks before your move:

Collect Your Packing Supplies

Now it’s time to get all of your packing supplies together, including boxes in all different sizes, bubble wrap, packing tape, markers for labeling, and any specialty boxes or materials for fragile items or wardrobe storage. If you can, consider buying sturdy boxes that can handle the weight of your belongings.

Pack Accordingly

Begin packing non-essential items you won’t need in the weeks leading up to the move. Start with decorative items, off-season clothing, books, and anything else you can live without for a while. 

Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to in your new place. You can also follow some packing hacks, like using vacuum space bags or ziptop bags, to create more space. This will make unpacking much easier later on.

Did you know the Agoyu app can help you plan and pack?

With the app you can scan everything in your home and the AI technology will automatically identify each object and provide weight and dimension estimates. This can help you determine how big of a moving truck you need!

Give it a try for yourself!

4 Weeks Before Your Move

Here is what to do 4 weeks before your move for your moving to a new apartment checklist:

Change Your Address

This is the time to notify important organizations and service providers of your upcoming address change, such as your bank, credit card companies, subscription services, and the post office. This will make sure that your mail is properly forwarded to your new address and that you don’t miss any important bills or correspondence.

Bring Your Pets to the Vet 

Next on your apartment moving checklist is to schedule a vet visit. If you have pets, get any updated medical records and any necessary documentation for your new landlord or building management. Some places may require proof of vaccinations or other health certifications.

Ask For Time Off Work

Request time off from work for your actual moving day, as well as any additional days you may need for packing and unpacking. Moving apartments is physically and mentally exhausting, so having a few extra days to rest and get settled can be so helpful.

Go Over Insurance

Review your current renter’s insurance policy and update it if necessary to ensure your belongings will be covered during the move. You may also want to consider purchasing supplemental moving insurance to protect your items in case of any damage or loss.

Schedule Transfer of Utilities

Don’t forget to schedule the transfer of your utilities from your old apartment to your new one. This will give you plenty of time for any in person appointments or phone calls regarding your transfer. 

2-3 Weeks Before Your Move

Here’s what to do 2-3 weeks before your move:

Continue Packing

With the non-essentials out of the way, pack up the remaining items in your apartment room by room, leaving only the basic necessities you’ll need until moving day. Make sure you clearly label all boxes by room and content.

Confirm All Details

Double-check the details with your moving company, landlords, building management, and any other parties involved in your move. Make sure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no potential miscommunications or last-minute surprises.

Stop Buying Groceries

Unless it’s absolutely necessary, try to avoid buying more groceries than you can reasonably consume before moving day. This will not only prevent food waste but will mean less for you to pack and transport.

A Few Days Before Your Move

You’re almost there…here’s what to do a few days before your move on your apartment move checklist:

Update Your Address 

Notify any remaining organizations, such as your employer, utility companies, and magazine/newspaper subscriptions of your new address to update their records.

Finish Packing

Pack up the last remaining items, including the essentials you’ve been living with until now. Don’t forget to properly pack up and secure any cleaning supplies or tools you’ll need for your old apartment after the move.

Last Call For Confirmations

Reach out one last time to your movers, landlords, building staff – anyone involved in facilitating your move on the big day. Make sure to confirm scheduled times, directions, parking arrangements, and any other key details.

Moving Day

Moving Day is finally here. Make sure you’re available on moving day from start to finish to answer any questions that might come up and supervise the entire process. Before officially leaving your old apartment, do a slow walkthrough to make sure that nothing has been left behind and take note of the condition so you can get your security deposit back. 

Once all your belongings are out, you can give your old place a good cleaning, leaving it spotless. Finally, after all your hard work, you can enjoy your new place and start fresh!

Final Thoughts

While moving is always somewhat stressful, having a detailed apartment moving checklist keeps you organized and in control. By following these steps, you can transform what could be apartment chaos into a seamless, structured process. With preparedness and smart planning, you’ll be unpacking and unwinding in your new place before you know it!

Agoyu can help you find the best mover pricing and book the best moving companies. Contact Agoyu today to start using AI technology to help make moving easier!

Bill Mulholland

Bill Mulholland is the owner of ARC Relocation, a company that relocates thousands of employees annually, to every state in the United States, and more than 90 foreign countries, for organizations like DHL, Overstock.com, GNC, and the U.S. Government. Bill also owns a real estate brokerage and title company in Virginia.